01. |
Spin Dependent Transport |
Kazuya Ando
Keio University |
Shinji Miwa
The University of Tokyo |
Ken-ichi Uchida
National Institute for Materials Science |
Kab-Jin Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Axel Hoffmann
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Sadamichi Maekawa
Kyoung-Whan Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
02. |
Magnetization Dynamics, DW motion Antiferromagnetic Spintronics |
Tom S. Seifert
Freie Universität Berlin |
Tomas Jungwirth
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Burkard Hillebrands
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität |
Takeshi Seki
Tohoku University |
Jianhua Zhao
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Hyunsoo Yang
National University of Singapore |
Eiji Saitoh
The University of Tokyo |
Christopher Marrows
University of Leeds |
03. |
2D van der Waals Spintronics |
Saroj P. Dash
Chalmers University of Technology |
Mairbek Chshiev
Ching-Ray Chang
National Taiwan University |
04. |
DMI, SOT, Skyrmion, Neuromorphics |
Mathias Kläui
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Johan Åkerman
University of Gothenburg |
Yoshishige Suzuki
Osaka University |
Satoru Nakatsuji
The University of Tokyo |
Young Keun Kim
Korea University |
Chanyong Hwang
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science |
Byong-Guk Park
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Wanjun Jiang
Tsinghua University |
05. |
Magnetic Nano-structures |
Amalio Fernandez-Pacheco
Instituto de
Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón |
Fabio Donati
Ewha Womans University |
Yujeong Bae
Institute for Basic Science |
06. |
Applications (bio, sensor, transport, energy, energy conversion) |
CheolGi Kim
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology |
Felix Casanova
CIC nanoGUNE |
Russell Cowburn
University of Cambridge |
Se-Young Jeong
Pusan National University |
SeokJu Yun
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology |
07. |
Emergent Phenomena in Multilayers |
Hideki Narita
Kyoto University |
Eun-Gook Moon
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Sanghoon Kim
University of Ulsan |